City Council Districts – Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

The City of Santa Clara is seeking input from members of the community on the number of City Council districts our city should have.  In November 2018, the City of Santa Clara held its first district-based elections as required by a ruling of the Santa Clara Superior Court.  While the Court ruling implemented six Council districts, the ruling did not amend our City Charter.  Currently, there is a mis-match between our City Charter language, which states that City Council members are to be elected “at-large”, and our current by-district Council member elections.  Our Charter can only be modified by a vote of the people through a Charter Amendment ballot measure.

Also on the ballot in November 2018 was Measure N, which passed with greater than 70% ‘yes’ votes: “Shall the City of Santa Clara engage the voters in a public process to draft a Charter Amendment ballot measure to elect its Council Members, other than the Mayor, by district?”   In response to Measure N, our City Council and Mayor formed a Charter Review Committee to gather public input prior to drafting a Charter Amendment ballot measure.


There are multiple ways for Santa Clarans to provide their input, including an online survey, an email address for written comments,  and dates/times/locations for public input at Charter Review Committee Meetings and listening sessions.  All of this information is included on the City’s website at the following link:

Please make your voice heard by providing your input on this important matter.


Best Regards,

Christine Koltermann

Charter Review Committee Member from District 3