Eyes to the Sky

Eyes to the SkyEyes to the Sky

Eyes to the Sky

With the Great American passing over the City, Santa Clarans made sure they would see it.

Eclipse viewing parties took place across Santa Clara.

The viewing party at Santa Clara University reached capacity almost a week before the eclipse. Elsewhere, hundreds of curious sky watchers filled Central Park. The Central Park library handed out a limited amount of glasses that quickly depleted. Even without glasses, those at Central Park were able to see a projected image of the eclipse.


Many Santa Clara schools created opportunities to help their students experience their first eclipse.

Buchser Middle School had a special fire drill on Monday. Alarm blaring, the students filled onto the fields to view the solar eclipse. Thanks to a generous donation of eclipse viewing glasses from Cisco, the Buchser students and staff were able to experience the solar eclipse, according to Principal Monica Stoffal.

At Peterson Middle School, former science teacher and Peterson Nature Center Curator, Bryan Osborne, provided a solar lens for the Astronomy Club’s Orion telescope so students could view the eclipse more clearly. The students and staff had school-distributed solar eclipse shades, according to Principal Susan Harris.

At Washington Open Elementary School, Principal Barbara Berman purchased eclipse-viewing shades for the students. They also had interactive eclipse activities. Students used paper plates to view the shadows made in the image of the moon and projected crescent shaped shadows through a strainer.

Additionally, the Weekly photographer was at the NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View to capture images of the eclipse.

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