City Council Calendars Have a Handful of Meetings of Note

In August, the Santa Clara City Council Members met with people like Jude Barry and discussed topics like Related Santa Clara.In August, the Santa Clara City Council Members met with people like Jude Barry and discussed topics like Related Santa Clara.

Five members of the Santa Clara City Council attended the Santa Clara Library’s annual Librarypalooza on Feb. 2, Mayor Lisa Gillmor and Council Members Kathy Watanabe, Debi Davis, Teresa O’Neill and Raj Chahal. Although not a direct violation of any particular rule, having a quorum at any event, public or not, is oft avoided to eschew any possible conflicts of interest. Outside of the Librarypalooza, City Council February calendars remained fairly light.


Mayor Lisa Gillmor
Gillmor notched her first meeting of note on Feb. 7 when she met with David Bini of the Santa Clara and San Benito Counties Building and Construction Trades Council about construction projects in Santa Clara. A meeting with South Bay Labor Council’s Executive Officer Ben Field followed on Feb. 20. Near the end of the month, Gillmor and Related Company’s Executive Vice President Steve Eimer met for a Related Santa Clara office visit on Feb. 27.


Council Member Kathy Watanabe
Most of Watanabe’s February calendar items were public meetings or events, but she did record a conference call with Jeannine Pearce of Long Beach’s City Council regarding cannabis issues on Feb. 4 and met with Santa Clara Sister Cities Association President Tedra Nikolai regarding the organization on Feb. 7. She also met with Palo Alto’s Magical Bridge Co-Founder Olenka Villarreal about the special needs-friendly park on Feb. 20.



Council Member Debi Davis
Davis kept a busy February calendar beginning with a meeting with Santa Clara University’s Assistant Vice President for University Operations Chris Shay regarding SCU updates on Feb. 4. A day later she participated in a meeting with Rebecca Fleming, CEO of the County of Santa Clara Superior Court and members of Revitalizing Our Downtown’s Task Force about Santa Clara’s traffic court and downtown updates. On Feb. 6 she met with the Triton Museum of Art’s Executive Director Jill Meyers about the museum’s schedule. Near the end of the month, Davis met with Niall Adler, Mission College’s director of marketing and public relations for updates regarding the college.


Council Member Teresa O’Neill
True to previous months, O’Neill kept a calendar packed not only with public meetings and events, but additional meetings of note, including a lunch with the Mineta Transportation Institute’s Resident and Director Emeritus Rod Diridon, Sr. about transportation on Feb. 5 and a meeting later the same day with Mariani’s Inn and Restaurant owner Lou Mariani regarding the El Camino Real specific plan. The following day, she met with Cushman and Wakefield Senior Vice President Gary Hansen about Morgan Hill’s electric utility.

On Feb. 15 O’Neill met with Kylli, Inc’s Vice President of Real Estate Randi Gerson and Senior Director of Development Andrea Jones about the mixed-use development at 3005 Democracy Way. She additionally met with Pinnacle Strategy’s President and “consultant” for Green Waste Recovery Products Victor Gomez regarding the Recology South Bay Contract on Feb. 22 and Apex Fund, LLC’s Co-Owner Ray Chen and Architect/Designer Anthony Ho about 2891 Homestead Rd.


Vice Mayor Patricia Mahan and Council Members Karen Hardy and Raj Chahal
Mahan and Hardy only attended public meetings in February. Chahal mostly attended public meetings and events, save for a lone meeting with residents Howard Myers, Rich Bonito, Linda Zazzara and Debbie Sparks regarding the Mariani’s Inn and Restaurant project. The project, currently pending review, is for up to 262 multi-family and senior residential units, 20 two-story townhomes, 311 hotel rooms and 215,074 square feet of commercial space at 2500 El Camino Real.

View all Council Member calendars at

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