
SCUSD Says Rising Wages Disqualify Students For Assistance, Aims to Support Homeless Students

The California Department of Education compiles statistics annually for all public schools in the state…

Hats Off to Student Chefs at Mission College’s 2019 What’s Cookin’? Competition

Hats off to the 21 student chefs from seven Silicon Valley area high schools who…


Scott Lane Elementary School and Peterson Middle School Announce New Principals

One of the highlights from the April 11 School Board meeting held by the Santa…

Crossing Guard Carl Smith Honored by School, City’s Police Chief

“Good morning, where’s the smile? Who’s ready for school?” Every morning, the students at Sutter…

Special Education Students Score Goals at Braly Elementary School’s Special Olympics Event

“Go, Braly, go! Go, everyone, go!” were among the spirited cheers coming from student spectators…

Amelia Tai, Santa Clara Student, Is Named Finalist in Character Creating Contest

Ashlen Foster likes to carry around a book about art and she also wears a…

School Lockdown at Bowers Elementary, Cabrillo Middle Schools

It is a frightening email for a parent to receive; a note from your child’s…

Photos of the Week: Llamas at Mission College, Wilcox High Concert, Santa Clara High Concert

The Weekly featured the following pictures in our print publication. For a chance to be…

Tulips are in Full Bloom at Sunnyvale’s Fremont High School

It’s become an iconic sight in the City of Sunnyvale. Drive by the front of…


Bowers Theater Program, Buchser Teacher Recognized

The March 28 School Board meeting held by the Santa Clara Unified School District (SCUSD)…