Letters To The Editor

Letter to the Editor by James Rowen

It is so very sad to learn of the passing of Larry "Mr Santa Clara"…

Letter to the Editor by R.S.

Hello, I am 12 years old, have lived in Santa Clara all of my life,…


Letter from Bruce Shepherd

On Tuesday night the Santa Clara City Council voted to temporarily fund the Convention and…

Letter from Marilyn B

I visited the farmer’s market on last Saturday and managed to get confused when trying…

Letter from L. Alan Gray

Anyone who thinks there is race discrimination within the ranks of Santa Clara City government…

Letter from James and Susan Tsolinas

Mayor Gillmor and the City Council at the Council Meeting on Tuesday, June 12th proclaimed…

Letter from Rob Jerdonek

Your article last week on Measure A rightly lamented the poor turnout in Santa Clara…

Letter from Virginia Ronchetti

To the Editor, I’m a 94-year-old lady who has lived here in Santa Clara for…

Letter from James Rowen

If I was a council member, I would have voted to appoint someone to the…


Letter from Melissa Kirtley

Since when does someone have to commit a crime to lose their job? Persky and…