Letters to the Editor Guidelines – Letter to the Editor
The Weekly's Letter from Anthony Becker amounted to a free political ad. Not only did…
The Weekly's Letter from Anthony Becker amounted to a free political ad. Not only did…
After a one-week court trial concluding July 24, 2018, the City of Santa Clara was…
Gillmor, O'Neill, and Hagagg are an embarrassment. Listening them is like listening to Southern segregationists…
I recommend Anne Kepner for Assembly Seat District 25. She is the best candidate for…
An at-large Sunnyvale mayor would represent me as little as the council members who voted…
The City of Sunnyvale’s plan to move to district elections through Measure B sounds like…
I resent the use of taxpayer money to pay for the campaign to support Sunnyvale’s…
I urge my fellow Santa Clarans to vote NO ON MEASURE C. Measure C is…
We all like to think that institutional racism ended with 1954 Brown v Board, and…
Upon receiving your report about the contract of 49ers with Santa Clara stadium, my first…