Letters To The Editor

Letter From Jack Azevedo

Alan Eft’s letter (Feb. 1, 2012) accused City Attorney, Richard Nosky of committing a "flip-flop"…

Letter From James Rowen

Miles has raised an interesting point in discussing the action by the City of Santa…


Letter From Corinne Sherlund

Santa Carla has had a senior band for many years but we may not have…

Letter From Douglas Carter

No disrespect to the Assistant City Manager, Mrs. McCarthy, but her statement in last week’s…

Letter from Carol McCarthy

Dear Editor In a recent article on medical marijuana, the director of the facility was…

Letter from James Rowen

I hope I can spend a moment to talk about Sue Lasher.  When, as a…

Letter from Alan Eft

The Referendum signature collection was successful, then discussed/rejected by the City Council as non-referendable. This…

Letter from Adam Lopez

It is pretty amazing that the City of Santa Clara is not allowing their tax…

Letter from Rich Solis

The 49ers and the city leaders are worried about misinformation, that’s laughable. These are the…


Letter from Dawn Tamone

If the City of Santa Clara cannot afford $80K for July 4th fireworks (canceled July…