
Give Yourself a Gift…

An intimate jewelry and gift show was offered by PrimeXpo, LLC on February 25 through…

Park Watch: Secrets of Central Park Lake

Like a magnet, Santa Clara's 52-acre Central Park draws joggers, dog walkers, families with kids,…


Santa Clara’s 7-Decade Love Affair With Camellias

The upcoming Santa Clara County Camellia show at the Santa Clara Community Recreation Center (CRC)…

Author Laurie R. King Entertains Crowd at Library

Lively laughter filled the packed Cedar Room at Santa Clara’s Central Park Library on Feb.…

Ancient Practice Alive At Ayoma

Vata. Pitta. Kapha. Each dosha defines who we are as people and everyone falls into…

High Demand for Pacific Gardens Dementia Reality Tour for Caregivers

It turns out that almost everybody knows of somebody with dementia, the life-altering loss of…

Santa Clara Resident Joe Goschy Wins CreaTV Citizen Journalism Award

It's safe to say that not many documentary filmmakers got their start filming in Santa…

Long-time Community Activist Josephine Rowen Passes

  Long-time Santa Clara community activist Josephine Rowen died peacefully in her sleep on February…

New Eagles Soar at Boy Scouts of America Recognition Dinner

It was a hard-won, proud moment for the young men in the Santa Clara County…


Santa Clara Woman’s Club Taking Applications for Annual Nursing Scholarship

Although some things have changed in three decades, one that hasn’t is the critical need…