City Politics

The Money Trail of Measure A

Over $100,000 has been raised to date on the Measure A campaign: $7,800 of it…

Chamber Loses $150k Fee, Moonlite Gets Approved While CalPERS Runs Amok

A lack of oversight in chamber of commerce spending has caused the City Council to…


Influence at City Hall: Jude Barry Lobbies Through Santa Clara

In 2005 when Jude Barry was managing Steve Westly's unsuccessful primary campaign for California governor,…

Too Many Council Members Attend Yet Another Event in April, Developers and Labor Lobby

The April Santa Clara City Council calendars are out, again, later than the 10th of…

Sources Say

New Math Santa Clara City Attorney Brian Doyle appears to be working overtime on some…

Public Backlash from Sexual Harassment Allegations Cause Council Member’s Resignation

The flags outside City Hall sat at half-mast Tuesday night; inside the Council Chambers, the…

Judge Rules Santa Clara Violated Voting Rights Laws and “Failed to Act”

The City of Santa Clara is in violation of the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA),…

Caserta Resigns, Gillmor Announces New Council Censure Procedure to be Instituted

Flanked by Council Members Debi Davis, Patrick Kolstad and Kathy Watanabe, Mayor Lisa Gillmor commended…

Santa Clara City Council Member Dominic Caserta Resigns and Suspends County Board of Supervisors Campaign

On Tuesday, May 15 Dominic Caserta resigned from the Santa Clara City Council and will…


Council Member and Santa Clara High School Teacher Accused of Sexual Misconduct, Concerned Santa Clarans Call for Censure

Dominic Caserta, a three-time Santa Clara City Council Member, Santa Clara High School political science…