City Politics

Santa Clara: No Respect from California Redistricting Commission

Maybe California's Citizens Redistricting Commission needs a geography lesson. Apparently the commissioners think the city…

City News

There's No Place Like a Historic Home Historic preservation is always a work in progress.…


$154,000 is the Answer, But What’s the Question?

The above statistic is: The result you get if you divide Santa Clara's employee compensation/benefits…

Santa Clara City Council Meeting, July 12, 2011

It might not have seemed like it, but there was other important business on last…

49ers Stadium Marketing and Concessionaire Agreements Inked

The 49ers stadium project continues to advance. At its July 5 meeting, the Stadium Authority…

City Desk

Pot - Not At last week's City Council meeting, what was expected to be a…

Santa Clara City Desk

An RDA By Any Other Name... Tuesday night as the California legislature - or at…

Charter Review Likely for Santa Clara’s At-Large Election System

On June 14, the City Council took the first steps toward establishing a review committee…

Filing Lawsuits Under Law They Wrote

Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights (LCCR) legal director Robert Rubin claims that the City of…


Past and Future Deficits Haunt Santa Clara’s Operating Budget

Santa Clara has a balanced budget this year. But the City has no choice. Since…