City Politics

Charter Review Committee Extends Deliberations Through October

The Santa Clara Charter Review Committee won't complete its recommendation about the city's election system…

Legal Briefs

In what alternative universe did the Santa Clara city government think an open lawsuit against…


Verdict on the California Voting Rights Act: The Jury is Still Out

Don't say the 2002 California Voting Rights Act (CVRA) hasn't had results. It's just that…

California Voting Rights Act: An $8 Million Bill for Taxpayers

Nearly ten years after the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA) was passed into law, CVRA…

Correction: Sunnyvale’s Budget

In the August 31 piece, "Tale of Three City Budgets: Where the Income Comes From."…

A Tale Of Three City Budgets: Where The Income Comes From

When it comes to raising the money that supports public services, Santa Clara provides a…

California Voting Rights Act: Attacking 19th Century Progressive Reform as 21

In the face of a threatened California Voting Rights Act (CVRA) lawsuit, Santa Clara has…

Charter Review Committee Gets Down to Business

The city's Charter Review committee will be evaluating several alternatives to Santa Clara's current at-large…

Redistricting Anything But Fair, Say Critics

To those who thought that "citizen commissioners" would draw fairer electoral districts than elected officials,…


A Budget Tale of Three Bay Area Cities

We know how severe our operating budget problems have been in Santa Clara. But how…