City Politics

City of Santa Clara

Santa Clara residents and business persons are invited to provide online input to help shape…

Jet-Propelled Special Council Meeting Gives 49ers Exclusive to Sell Stadium Naming Rights

Cyril Northcote Parkinson observed in his book, The Parkinson Principle, that "The time spent on…


City Finances Nudge Into the Black, But Property Tax Revenues Continue to Drop

Santa Clara Finance Director Gary Ameling voiced cautious optimism about city finances at the March…

July 4 Fireworks Get the Red Pencil

A tight budget means that no "rockets' red glare" will light up the Santa Clara…

Santa Clara’s RDA Money Gambits May Undermine Future Funding for Core Services

Santa Clara's hide-the-redevelopment-money maneuvers could come back to haunt the city in the form of…

City Council Roundup

Roll Call All Council Members were present. Approval of Minutes The minutes from the City…

Hard Data About RDA’s Benefits Lacking

In 2009 State Controller John Chiang launched an audit of 18 California RDAs – Santa…

Santa Clara Stadium Authority’s Dash to Stash Redevelopment Cash

At an emergency meeting Monday, the Santa Clara Redevelopment Agency (RDA) and Stadium Authority (SA)…

California Public Payrolls Now Online

Thanks to California's State Controller John Chiang, Californians (at least, computer-literate ones) can, for the…


City Council Goal Setting Program Status Report

On Saturday, March 12, the City Council will hold a Goal Setting Program at the…