City Politics

Civil Grand Jury’s Changing Role in Santa Clara City Politics

Just as with the 2022 civil grand jury report lambasting the Santa Clara City Council…

City Shells Out Millions To Reopen Swim Center, Sets Discussion On Grand Jury Report

After months of updates, several studies, a county inspection and much discussion among one another,…


Approval of General Plan Zoning Changes Hit a Snag

With the zoning code updates approved in December, the Santa Clara Planning Commission was tasked…

Civil Grand Jury Report Finds Hindsight is 20/20

Less than 24 hours after it released its report “Irreconcilable Differences,” the Santa Clara County…

Double Standard Revealed in New Grand Jury Report

Here we go again. A new grand jury report takes aim at Santa Clara City…

New Grand Jury Report Once Again Vilifies Santa Clara City Council Majority

A new report released by the Santa Clara County Civil Grand Jury on June 12…

Gillmor Integral in Bringing World Cup to Santa Clara and in Tearing it Down

Santa Clara Mayor Lisa Gillmor’s messaging has been clear in the last several months, she…

Bond Measure Support Still Teetering on the Edge of Needed Majority

A tax to pay for Santa Clara’s infrastructure is still seeing roughly the same public…

Stadium Authority Codifies Settlement With 49ers

Contract restructuring at Levi’s Stadium has brought closure to a long-standing dispute between the City…


Santa Clara Settles Remaining Lawsuits with 49ers

The City of Santa Clara and the 49ers have settled their differences. In a joint…