The Editorial Board

Santa Clara’s Police Union sent out a mailer that sounds like Tony Soprano. Santa Clara Police Officer Association and their President Alex Torke sound like they're offering protection money.

Tony Soprano Doesn’t Have a Thing on Santa Clara’s Police Union – Opinion

Monday, Santa Clara businesses received a communication soliciting donations that contained this persuasive piece of…

The Editorial Board talks about Santa Clara's voting rights lawsuit appeal loss. City Hall and City Attorney Brian Doyle has been very quiet.

$434,000 Worth of Silence at City Hall – OP-ED

When it comes to the voting rights lawsuit Santa Clara lost again last month, the…

Today, we're correcting Lieutenant Nikolai and his response to our last Editorial Board. Lt. Patrick Nikolai has made some unfortunate mistakes.

Correcting Lieutenant Nikolai

In his response to The Weekly's Nov. 6 editorial, police chief candidate Lt. Patrick Nikolai…

Assistant Police Chief Dan Winter has dropped out of the Police Chief race. Our only choice may be police union President Lt. Pat Nikolai.

Of Political Mice and Honorable Men – Opinion

Assistant Police Chief Dan Winter's withdrawal from the Police Chief election makes one thing clear:…

City Manager Deanna Santana

City Manager Publicly Announced Information About Money-Losing Concert, Now Trying to Blame The Weekly

It's unusual for a public official to attack the press for being the first to…

City Manager Deanna Santana

In Response to Community Letter About Community Grant Policy

Last week, Santa Clara Weekly Associate Editor Carolyn Schuk wrote a factual report about the…

Violence, Ransom? We’ll Take It As A Compliment

Before we welcomed the New Year, a malware attack struck major journalism outlets. The attack…

City Legal Bills, or More Commonly Known as a Taxpayers’ Money Pit

Recently, the Santa Clara Weekly reported that the City of Santa Clara’s legal bills for…

City Makes About-Face on Election Education and Ethics

Since Santa Clara lost its Chief Democracy Officer — former City Clerk Rod Diridon Jr. —…


Why The Housing Crisis Will Continue and Santa Clara’s Old Boys Machine Will Stay in Control

Now that SB 827—the bill that would have overruled local zoning controls on placing housing…