The Editorial Board

Mayor Lisa Gillmor hit another low when she berated a City employee into reframing his report until it fit the "truth-ish" narrative she wanted.

Truthish-ness and Truth – Opinion

A week or so ago, the public was treated to the shameful spectacle of the…

The Weekly's Editorial Board believes that Mayor Lisa Gillmor should stop playing politics and own her role in the failure of the ISC.

Mayor Gillmor Must Own Her Role in ISC Failure – Opinion

Please do not commend Santa Clara Mayor Lisa Gillmor for her comments or her vote…


In a Fraught Moment, Mayor Gillmor Keeps Her Eye on The Civic Ball – Opinion

Last weekend, someone pasted a sign on the St. Clare statue outside Santa Clara City…

Now Council Member Watanabe and Mayor Gillmor are falling over themselves to welcome Taylor Swift, but four years ago, they were singing a different tune.

How Soon They Forget – Op-Ed

What a difference a few years make. This week, Mayor Lisa Gillmor and Council Member…

A tale of two investigations, Santa Clara spent thousands to investigate the "f" word and nothing to investigate former officers accused of conspiracy.

When it Comes to City Investigations, Just Don’t Get Caught Saying Naughty Words

Three years ago, retired Santa Clara police officers Brian Gilbert and Phil Cooke pled guilty…

Call it the Gillmor tax if you will. A look at just how much the Mayor has cost each Santa Clara resident through her poor choices and mismanagement.

Six Years of Lisa Gillmor: That Will Be $750, Please

Suppose next week you got a city bill for $750 as the premium for having…

A Mayor Above the Law

People of Santa Clara, it is time for concern. The City is being led by…

Situational Ethics Or Ethics for Hire?

Yesterday, Tom Shanks burst into the spotlight with a Mercury News broadside attacking the ethics…

The True Cost of Measure D

On June 7, 2022, Santa Clara voters approved Measure D without much fanfare. It’s a…


Suds Jain and Youth Soccer League Politicking – Opinion

Even before he was elected, Council Member Suds Jain was a thorn in the side…