Miles H Barber, Publisher

Milestones: And Now, It Begins

How do you pay a City Manager a $700,000 financial package along with 11 assistants,…

Milestones: The Big Game

The “Big Game” was just that. Filling the stands at Levi’s is the primary objective…


Milestones: Darn… The Harm

Do no harm. This is the basic rule to all elected leaders. If only they…

Milestones: Factual Fights Fake!

This newspaper has been a member of the California News Publishers Association for years. The…

Milestones: Might Uses Spite?

As we approach Christmas, you might think the Holiday Spirit would be bursting out in…

Milestones: Eminent Imminent?

Never in the history of Santa Clara has our City used “eminent domain” to acquire…

Milestones: Reversal of Reason

What ever happened to Council Member Teresa O’Neill? You remember, that thoughtful lady who brilliantly…

Milestones: Thanks for Nothing…

Thanksgiving is obviously over. Our City Council has not, and is not, giving thanks to…

Milestones: Giving Thanks

While you are deciding between the 20-pound turkey, the 9-pound ham or both, be thankful.…


Milestones: Might Makes Wrong!

With elections completed the tourniquet on development will be removed. The influx of campaign cash…