Miles H Barber, Publisher

Publisher Miles Barber talks about how the Santa Clara City Council majority are behind the Measure J audit and Chamber of Commerce audit.

Milestones: Who Do You Believe?

Who’s telling the truth? You are bombarded with stories, details, accusations, rumors and event interpretations.…

Publisher Miles Barber talks about a divorce between us and the Santa Clara City Council. He says the firefighters overtime lawsuit is a double standard.

Milestones: Double Standard Divorce

While busy attacking the San Francisco 49ers, our City forgot to clean up their own…

Publisher Miles Barber comments on the Council majority and their choices. The current lawsuit is on top of the many lawsuits the City has been in.

Milestones: Respect?

All we want is a City Council and leadership that is responsive, respectful and responsible…

In his column, Publisher Miles Barber talks about the "Game" between the 49ers Management Company and the City of Santa Clara.

Milestones: A Different Game

Long overdue, the San Francisco 49ers have cut a new swath of leadership in their…

Publisher Miles Barber dislikes the decision to use three districts. He also talks about Attorney Robert Rubin and the California Voting Rights Act lawsuit.

Milestones: The Obvious Game

More games by the Gillmor Gang. The Charter Review Committee of Santa Clara met recently.…

Publisher Miles Barber talks about Santa Clara's attempts to fire the 49ers Management Company. Barber points to the curfew as a reason.

Milestones: No Substance

We would like to believe our Mayor, City Council, City Manager and City Attorney. They…

Milestones: Kill the Messenger

A few weeks ago, I and The Weekly received a registered letter from our City…

Milestones: Smell the Stench?

It is a sorry sight to see the manufactured behavior of our City Council majority.…

Milestones: Buying or Selling?

When is the right time to buy a home? The answer is quite simple, “when…


Milestones: Preservation of Truth

How do you obtain legitimate community news? You know…accurate, truthful and informative facts on local…