Miles H Barber, Publisher

Publisher Miles Barber compares today's coronavirus situation with the Black Plague from hundreds of years ago. He wishes everyone well.

Milestones:  Containing Corona

Having lived through a hundred disasters, the current crisis attacking the health and well-being of…

First Measure C is failing, and in an attempt to fill the Pat Mahan seat, Council Members Karen Hardy and Raj Chahal want to bring it to the voters.

Milestones: Council Comedy!

The Pandora's box of Santa Clara politics may be on its way to having the…

Publisher Miles Barber reflects on the way things were during the Great Recession. He scolds the City on how they spend money and also reflects on Measure C

Milestones: Who took the money?

What do you do when you are out of money? Use your credit cards? Borrow…

Milestones: Desperation

There is no question that when times are desperate, desperate people do despicable things. What…

Publisher Miles Barber says that the City of Santa is trying to deflect away from the real solution with March's Measure C.

Milestones: Deflect!

When in trouble, deflect. This is a tactic used by military legions for centuries. It…

In his column, Publisher Miles Barber gives his opinion on Santa Clara's Measure C. He says the Measure C ballot measure is a trick.

Milestones: The Big Trick

Let’s be honest. None of us liked to be tricked, particularly if it has a…

Milestones: Still Champions

Our 49ers were Super Bowl Champions for three quarters. But their magical season ended in…

Milestones: Farewell Pat

We take a break from the football playoffs to acknowledge Council Member Patricia Mahan, who…

Milestones: Champions!

Congratulations Jed York, John York, Al Guido, and to our NFL league Champions, the SF…


Milestones: Fearless 49ers!

Facing fierce fighting and fending for first, the SF 49ers fractured the Minnesota Vikings 27…