Carolyn Schuk

CalPERS: Where the Benefits Come From

About a year ago, California Governor Jerry Brown proposed changes to California's 80 year-old public…

Honoring Santa Clara’s Native Son John Vasconcellos

Nobody really cared Saturday afternoon that Willie Brown was a no-show at the Santa Clara…


100 Years Later El Camino Real Still a Public Policy Challenge

History buffs may have noted that 2012 is the 100-year anniversary of the first paving…

Emails Point to RDA Successor Agency Oversight Board Bias

Members of the Santa Clara RDA successor agency oversight board weren't just disinterested executors of…

Welcome to Choice-i-stan

I think it's time to retire the word "choice" from public policy discussions - at…

Brotherness Not Otherness at MCA’s Annual Ramadan Open House

Santa Clara has many traditions - its citywide July 4th picnic, the city Christmas tree…

RDA Backstory Complex

As with so many issues in California state finance, following the trail of RDA history…

Willie Brown Will Honor Santa Clara’s “Senator John”

In a change of pace from today's hyper-polarized politics, the Santa Clara County Democratic Club…

CalPERS Returns: 2012 Isn’t the Whole Story

The next catastrophe to wallop municipal budgets will be a shortfall in CalPERS returns, adding…


When It Comes to Growing Data Center Industry, Santa Clara Holds All the Right Cards

How important is the data center business to the city of Santa Clara? Consider this:…