2024 Follow the Money Update: 49ers Donate Another $576K

No one watching television in Santa Clara will be surprised to know that the four 49ers independent expenditure committees added $576,200 to their independent expenditure committee coffers, boosting their total donations to $2,150,000. The police union PAC received no additional donations to last week’s total of $137,800; nor did the Related independent expenditure committee, leaving its total donations at $49,000.

The Santa Clara Firefighters Union PAC has yet to file any financial reports for this election cycle in the city, although they are spending money on flyers.

The only Santa Clara candidate to report new donations is City Clerk candidate Bob O’Keefe, who loaned $10,000 to his campaign.


To date, $2.5 million has been donated in Santa Clara this election cycle. This report is current as of Saturday, Oct. 19, 2024.

California Campaign Money Machine

If you want to know how money is being spent in California state elections, all of that information is available on the California Secretary of State’s website at cal-access.sos.ca.gov. The site offers a Power Search (powersearch.sos.ca.gov) that drills into data going back to 2001 about candidates, ballot measure, donors and committees, and provides information about both cumulative and individual donations and spending.

In the 2023-2024 state election cycle:

  • Candidates and ballot measures received $1.77 billion in donations. $600 million of that comes from out of state.
  • $374.8 million was donated to support or oppose ballot measures. $33.3 million of that comes from out of state.
  • Independent expenditure committees received $83.9 million in donations.
  • Candidate committees received $79.3 million in donations.

Election day is Nov. 5, 2024. To register to vote, visit the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters website. The deadline to register to vote is 15 days before the election.

Previous Follow the Money Updates:
2024 Follow The Money Update: 49ers Spend Another $243K, Police Union Deposits Another $70,000
2024 Follow the Money Update: Gillmor and Santa Clara Police PAC Fund Campaign Kickoffs, 49ers PAC War Chest Tops $1.5 Million
2024 Follow the Money: Related Opens the Checkbook, More 49ers Media Spending
Follow the Money 2024: 49ers Shovel in $930K, Chandra Raises Money Out of Town

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